Thursday, February 14, 2013

Weather R Us

I love watching the Weather Channel People when there’s the possibility, no matter how remote, of some sort of Event. They’re like kittens out there, playing in the snow. Except there’s no snow. Yet. But, they assure us there will be, standing out there, all dressed alike in their L. L. Bean jackets, with their little designer rulers and yardsticks.

It wasn't always like this, though.

Once upon a time, many ages ago before The Weather Channel, we had to turn to each other for weather entertainment. “What about that big storm last night, huh, Bert?” “Yep, sure was a big one.” “Uh huh, sure was.” It’s a wonder we ever got out of bed every morning. There was no drama, no excitement, and no fun. But not anymore. No sirree. With TWC (I’m going ahead and acronyming – the term for changing a perfectly functional and descriptive name to an annoyingly vague abbreviation – The Weather Channel, to stay ahead of the curve, following the examples of TLC (formerly known as The Learning Channel)), if there’s no exciting weather, they’ll whip some up.

Here's what happened.

At some point, they thought, “Huh! We’re all out here, all excited for some really nasty weather, and nothing’s happening.” That's when they saw the future. “Hey, so what if nothing’s happening now. We can talk about what would happen IF…..” And, thus, was born, weather fiction.

(... to be continued)

'til next time... Adios.

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