Thursday, August 2, 2012

Weathering the Storm

And, now, it’s time for... Stupid weather terms.

Futurecast – Yep, it's an actual weather term used by a local weather station.  Now, I always thought a forecast looked into the future. Unless this futurecast term looks WAY far into the future, like when we have domed cities, and robots, and finally, flying cars. Must be what they mean, ‘cause Mr. Weather Guy just said something about looking into the future.  So, forecast has been replaced by futurecast.

Rain/snow/wind event – Not good enough to just have rain or wind or snow. Now it has to be an event. I wonder, is it an event like a festival, where there are marching bands, parades, and floats?  And, can we have a fair weather event, a cloudy event, or perhaps day and night events?

TOR:CON – This one sounds like one of Godzilla’s enemies, as in “Stay tuned, kids, for a giant monster romp, Godzilla vs. Torcon!” Another Weather Channel term (they made it up, folks), meaning tornado condition. Then they have some numbers after it, indicating your tornado chances.

Saw something on the screen just a minute ago – MaxRadar. Now, that would be a great name for an action hero, huh? Never fear, Max Radar’s here!

And, here’s a non-weather term – saw a newscast  about three jets having a near miss. Then, they say they had a near collision. Well, which is it? And, at what point does it go from a near miss to a far miss? Just curious.

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