Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fun With the Apocalypse

Not much time left. I've been scoping out all my favorite web sites -- there's the countdown calendar site, http://www.worldend.org/2012/clock-countdown.html, and as of my last check, we've got a little over 2 days and 4 hours to go. So, I wouldn't sweat it too much if you haven't got all those presents bought yet or the decorations up. This site even has a cool picture of a Mayan pyramid.

And, if you go here, http://www.businessinsider.com/mayan-apocalypse-parties-in-new-york-city-2012-12, this site from Business Insider gives you the inside track on all the cool Disaster Blaster parties in the Big Apple.

Then, for some apocalyptical TV watching there's shows like Apocalipsis Maya on one of the Spanish language channels, one episode coming up at 9 tonight, the next one tomorrow at 9, just getting on the air before the Big Show. Now, on Friday at 10 PM there's The Mayan Apocalypse 2012, which seems a tad bit after the fact to me. Hmmm, what do the Spanish language networks know that we don't?

Next, we have Maya Underworld Real Doomsday (as opposed to all the doomsdays that weren't real) coming up at 10 tonight, something about underwater tombs and human sacrifices, yeah, yeah, yeah, same old thing.

Hey, here's a good one. Zombie Apocalypse at 10 tonight on the Discovery Channel. It's all about how to get ready for invading zombies. Hey, I know all about invading zombies. Just go out Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve and you'll see plenty. That is, if we make it through the next 2 days and.... a little less than 4 hours.

'til next time.... Adios.

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