Saturday, December 8, 2012

Whatever the Weather

Weather is everywhere. Just check out the Weather Channel, and you'll know that for certain. There are shows dealing with extreme weather, weather that's been filmed, weather messing with people on their jobs (Iron Men, Ice Pilots, Turbine Cowboys -- can there be maverick turbines, out there churning up the air, roaming the desert?), and now we have a new show approaching like a tornado "event". Deadliest Space Weather.

Now, that just strikes me as a tad bit odd. If you're in space, there is no weather. No air, no weather. Unless they're talking about weather on other planets. And, then, who's it deadly to? Us? Sure. But, it might just be a breath of fresh air (yeah, I know, bad pun) to an E.T.

Maybe they're talking about meteor storms. Or, solar storms. Wonder if that's covered with insurance?

'til next time... Adios.

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