Saturday, September 8, 2012

Shark Attack

Gotta be shark day on Syfy.  Just had Sharktopus on -- a CGI cross between a shark and an octopus.  Right now, it's Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus.

Man, I love these titles.  Just saw an explosion in the water next to a battleship that tossed the island-size shark into the air and over the ship.  And, there we go.  It just now jumped clean over the ship.  So, we talking 'jumping the ship' here?

Okay, after Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus, it's Malibu Shark Attack, then Shark Zone, followed by Sand Sharks. Oh, looky there. Sand Sharks doesn't even have any stars for a rating.  Let's take a look at the guide -- yeah, this sounds promising.  TV Guide says, "Prehistoric sand tiger sharks attack a wild beach party..."  I can't even write that without laughing.

Should I look further?  Sure, why not?

After Sand Sharks is... jackpot!  2-Headed Shark Attack.  Nope, not making this up.  What's not to love about this lineup?

There are more mutated shark movies to follow, but they can't top 2-Headed Shark Attack.

Can it possibly get any better?  Why, sure.  6 AM on Monday morning I can see Get SHARK Clean!  TV Guide describes it thusly -- "This no loss of suction vacuum features a pet hair turbo brush at less than half the price of other brands!"

Just when I thought it was safe to turn on the TV...

1 comment:

  1. Since when was it safe to turn on the TV? At least since "Poltergeist", there's always been the danger of something strange living (?) in there.

    Finally watched "Sharktopus", which turned out to be much better than I expected -- great creature, fun characters, and a funny cameo with Roger Corman -- what more could you want?

    "Dinoshark", though, is not so good. In fact, it's not good at all. Corman plays a scientist who can't act, whereas he did seem able to act at least a little bit in "Sharktopus". And the Dinoshark eats the best characters early on.
