Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Horror or Horrible?

Here's a look at a couple of incoming horror/sci-fi flicks.

Warm Bodies (2013). I like John Malkovich. I think he’s a top-notch actor. First saw him in a play in NYC back in 1988. So, what’s he doing in what sounds like a teen-angst zombie film. Unless he’s doing it for grins and giggles.

Well, I guess it had to happen. Zombies, like vampires, have gone through the emotional spectrum, starting with slow non-flesh-munching zombies back in the 30’s (White Zombie -- 1932), then to the flesh-munching-but-still-slow zombies of 1968’s Night of the Living Dead, to the recent fast zombie people-eatin’ critters in horror-comedies Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Zombieland (2009). But, in all of them, the zombies don’t have much activity going on upstairs. There’s nobody home, and the lights aren’t even on. So, now, with Warm Bodies, we’re letting our zombies get romantically involved. Wonder what the dating rules would be? “No, you can’t gnaw my arm off on the first date.”

What I love is the plot description for Warm Bodies. Zombie guy wants to go out with the girlfriend of a guy he just chewed up. What, did he have a sudden change of heart? I’m smellin’ something bad here, and I don’t think it’s zombies.

And, we’ve got another Carrie (2013) exploding on the screen again with telekinetic fury. This is now the fourth Carrie movie. 2002 saw the first remake, titled, uncreatively enough, Carrie. This was a made-for-TV version that I never saw. They even did a sequel to the first Carrie called The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999), that did have Amy Irving again. From this title it sounds like there’s a Carrie in there somewhere, but a quick scan of the cast of characters showed no one named Carrie. Nope. But, coincidentally, there’s another girl who just happens to possess the juice. Don’t make her angry, though. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry. Oh, wait, that’s the Indelible Hulk. So, what’s up with the new Carrie? Doesn’t sound like anything other than, I’m certain, way more special effects, and I’ll bet, way more graphic.

Now, here’s one that could be fun. Maybe. Although it’s still in production. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Hey, I love the classics. Y’know, I probably would’ve read a lot more of those books I was supposed to read back in junior high and high school if they’d tossed in a few zombies or vampires.

More later.

‘til next time… Adios.

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