Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Survival in the Air Waves

Every fall the various networks trot out their new bright and shiny shows, hoping we don't think their babies are ugly. 'Course, the seasons are all skewed and freaky-weird these days, but still, fall is the traditional time to show off the hopefuls. Let's take a quick scan of five that hit the waves.

Revolution (2012). It appears NBC wants to keep it going, so stay tuned for new episodes March 25th. This post-apocalyptic disaster show follows groups of folks after someone forgot to pay the light bill. If they ever find the power switch, they'll get to watch reruns of themselves.

Partners (2012). Fired up September 24th, 2012, died on the vine November 16th of the same year. Straight guy and gay guy are buddies who are partners in an architectural firm. Get it? Partners? Yeah, well, with writing like that, when they're working that hard for a pun, no surprise it went away. Probably on a par with other past comedies where they're overworking a point like Good Times or Chico and the Man.  Intelligent humor, please, folks, don't go for the old, tired, cheap jokes.  That's grade school.

666 Park Avenue (2012). Also gave up the ghost in November 2012. Another spookfest where the plot is "be careful what you wish for, etc." Hmm, Fantasy Island, anyone? "De plane, boss."

Mob Doctor (2012). It's a doctor show. It's a mob show. It's two, two, two shows in one. And, it sounds like both halves misfired. This one, though, barely made it under the wire and aired their final episode on January 7th, 2013. About a doctor whose family owes a debt to the mob, so, guess what? She has ethical challenges.

Call the Midwife (2012). A BBC production, its return is slated for March 31st. Based on the book of the same title, it deals with midwives in 1950's East London. Love that KET.

'til next time... Adios.

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