Monday, January 7, 2013

Random Movie Thoughts

James Bond, Star Trek, and Star Wars. Three of the biggest movie icons ever, with more lives than 15 cats. And they just keep coming, which is okey dokey with me. As long as with the next round of Star Wars films we don't have to tolerate the likes of Jar Jar Binks. Please, George, no more Jar Jar, okay?

Daniel Craig as the newest Bond is tough, edgy, and we get to see Bond before he truly became Bond. Before he knew that his martini should be shaken, and definitely not stirred.

And, the new Star Trek. Just plain fantastic. The most powerful entry in the mighty Star Trek legend since the original crew. Ironic that we've gone back to... the original crew. And, with this new reboot we get to see them, too, barely out of the academy, and Kirk in all his bluff and blustery glory.

Star Wars, since Disney's bought the whole Lucasfilm shootin' match, is (hopefully) gonna grab the Big Three (Luke, Leia, Han), and follow the original game plan to go 40 years forward and show Luke as a master, and, perhaps, Leia, too. Will Han still have the Millennium Falcon?

Got a few quick notes on superhero flicks heading our way faster than a speeding you-know-what this year.

Iron Man 3 (May 3) is coming, with the addition of Ben Kingsley and Guy Pearce. Gotta love Robert Downey, Jr. as the brash metal man.

Superman: Man of Steel (June 14) with Henry Cavill as the Big Blue Dude.

The Wolverine (July 26). Jackman's back, claws and all, and he's going samurai. Convenient, since his swords are built-in.

Thor: The Dark World (November 8). Chris Hemsworth returns with his hammer to battle bad elves. And, I always though they just helped Santa. Oh, well.  At least it'll be in time for Christmas.

'til next time... Adios.


  1. I predict that, 40 years on, Han Solo will catch Princess Leia boning Jar Jar Binks.

    Well, now that I think of it, Jar Jar came before Leia. She would probably have to dig him up so she could bone him. Sounds like a sure thing.

    You heard it from me first.

    1. Aaahhhh! A zombie Jar Jar! Now, that's scary.
