Monday, January 14, 2013

The Living Dead Channel

In a case of unreality imitating unreality, the Lifetime channel has a show called My Life is a Lifetime Movie. And, hey, guess what? There are back-to-back episodes of this... stuff from now until your brain caves in due to the vacuum. Here's a sampling of the episode titles:

"Obsessions Gone Too Far", followed by "Betrayed by a Lover", then "Husbands Gone Wrong", and "Someone is Trying to Ruin My Life".

Hey, how about a Living Dead channel, where it's soap operas with vampires. Oh, wait, already have that. They're called the Twilight movies. You'll feel like you're one of the undead 'cause they go on forever.

Guess I'll head over to the Weather Channel. Maybe they'll have a new named Winter Storm I can get excited about.

'til next time... Adios.

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